1989 Burn

Site Description

Thick layer of wild rose, grass, Labrador tea, fireweed, alder, and willow. Extensive firemoss with
patches of sphagnum (Sphagnum spp.) and feather (Ptilium, Pleurozium, or Hylocomium spp.) moss. Many 20–100cm tall black spruce, 100–200 cm tall jack pine, and 50–400cm tall aspen. Most black spruce trees killed by the 1989 fire fell from 2000 to 2005


55° 55' 0" N, 98° 57' 52 " W



LI7000 Closed path IRGA

3D Wind & Temp

CSAT3 Sonic Anemometer
(Campbell Scientific)

Air Temp/ Rel. Humidity

HMP45C Probe (Vasaila)

Incoming and reflected PAR

LI90-SZ Quantum Sensor

Incoming and reflected Solar

CM3 Pyranometer (Kipp and Zonen)

Control/Data Collection

CR5000 DataLogger (Campbell Scientific)

Solar Panels

Soil Temperature

Constracted in Lan

Soil moisture

CS615 TDR/

Air Temperature

T107 Thermistor (Campbell)

Soil Temperature Depths

Soil Moisture Depths



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